Halitosis - Bad breath - Bad odor from mouth

Halitosis - Bad breath - Bad odor from mouth

What - It is a condition characterized by an unpleasant or foul odor originating from a person's mouth when they exhale.

It can be a temporary or chronic issue.

Why -
Poor Oral Hygiene, Failure to maintain cleanliness of tongue, Dental Issues, Food and Beverages, Dietary choices, Dry Mouth, Smoking, Acidity reflexes, Medical Conditions

Advice - Check for Stains, Calcium layerings near gum levels, swelling / bleeding from gums, Cleanliness of tongue, Dental cavities mostly hidden between teeth or any acidity reflexes or food digestion issues.
Note - Your doctor may suggest you Scaling. ( Teeth cleaning procedure ) and / advice from Ayurveda doctors for acidity reflexes related issues.
also advice you to change your tooth brush oftenly, new brshing techniques, Use of interdental cleaning brushes, dental flosses, mouthwash gargles.