Unknown Dental Pain Reasons Finder

Sometimes it is very difficult to find root cause of dental pain.
so we need to rule out most common reasons so as to find closest answer.

Here are some common causes of dental pain -

Cavities reaching pulp of tooth may induce typical dental pain.
Dental Caries
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Leakages or failed dental fillings may lead to further pulp damage and dental pain.
Secondary Dental Caries
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Sharp edges and wearing of upper enamel layer of tooth may lead to sensitivity or pain.
Attrition in teeth
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Deep ditches near gum line due to over brushing in horizantle motion / using hard bristles brush.
Abrasion in teeth
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Due to sudden injury or chronic stress fracture line may lead to pulp injury.
Micro-crack in tooth
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consuming extreme hot or cold stuff unknowingly may lead to sensitivity or pain.
Heat or Cold sudden Shock
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Deep ditches near gum line due to over brushing in horizantle motion / using hard bristles brush.
Hidden proximal Caries
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Due to sudden injury or chronic stress fracture line may lead to pulp injury.
Micro-crack in tooth
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consuming extreme hot or cold stuff unknowingly may lead to sensitivity or pain.
Heat or Cold sudden Shock
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